vendredi 28 mars 2008

Scenarios joués en 2008

Légende des commentaires entre parenthèses: - je n'ai pas aimé ; + j'ai aimé ; = pas d'avis; V victoire; D défaite.

- Commandos hold fast - Playtest Dispatches from the bunker (- V)
- Able I was Ere I Saw Elba - Playtest Ruins of the Reich (Rally Point) (++ D)
- Attack to Retreat - Playtest Ruins of the Reich (Rally Point) (++ V)
- The Kindness of Strangers - Playtest Ruins of the Reich (Rally Point) (- V)

- Big Tuol Pocket (SP57 - Schwerpunkt 5) (+D)
- Sans Esprit de Recul (FT90 - Le Franc Tireur 11) (- - V)
- Ayo Gurkhali! (SP65 - Schwerpunkt 6) (=D)
- Packing a Punch (DB33 - Dispatches from the Bunker) (-V)
- Keitel and Cox (RPT14 - Rally Point 2) (-D)
- The Zebra Mission (SP147 - Schwerpunkt 13) (+D)
- Blackjack is back (FF10 - HoB Führer's Firemen) (+D)
- Eviction Notice (VoTG9 - Valor of The Guards) (+V)
- Pavlov's House (VotG14 - Valor of The Guards) (-V)
-Housing Crash (DB61 - Dispatches from the Bunker) (-D)
- Debacle at Sun Kiang (ITR1 - BFP Into The Rubble) (++V)

- Clash at Ponyri (ITR4 - BFP Into The Rubble) (+++V)
- Beyond The Slaughterhouse (ITR9 - BFP Into The Rubble) (++V)
- A Providential Occurrence (VB4 - Volfoni Brother's Pack) (+D)

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